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Workflows & Alliances

About Demandbase

Demandbase helps B2B companies hit their revenue goals using fewer resources. How? By using the power of AI to identify and engage the accounts and buying groups most likely to purchase. We combine your sales and marketing data with our validated B2B data to create what we call Account Intelligence. Better data makes better AI. That’s Smarter GTM™️.

Demandbase and TechTarget

The powerful combination of Priority Engine and Demandbase One provides customers with confidence that they’re targeting the right buying group members and activating them in existing workflows and orchestration provided by Demandbase.

Use cases

  • Buying Team Identification

    Identify Priority Engine prospects at accounts on your Demandbase ABM lists or accounts that have visited your website. By linking opt-in contacts for high-value accounts, account intent becomes more valuable.

  • ABM Refinement, Greenfield Identification, Programmatic

    Unify Priority Engine's view of spiking accounts with Demandbase's view in a single location. This provides a more comprehensive view of your total addressable market (TAM) and supplements banner ad target pools.

  • Propensity Modeling

    Map Priority Engine intent inputs and data to Demandbase minutes. Enrich account rankings, scores, and prioritization; provide more detailed and accurate lists to sales and marketing teams.